Wednesday, Oct. 6
10:30am – 11:30am
What Community-based Organizations Really Do – Lessons from a Florida Survey – Sponsored by First Horizons
In 2020, the Alliance and the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership at Rollins College surveyed nonprofit community organizations across Florida. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the characteristics of community-based nonprofits in Florida and the impact these organizations have on Florida’s families, communities and economy.
Join us as we review the results and discuss how you can use them to support the work you do with community members, funders and the world at large.
Speakers: Terry Chelikowsky, FL Alliance for Community Solutions; Janet de Guehery, Florida Community Loan Fund.
12noon – 1:00pm
Recruiting & Training Great Board Members
Organizations, like people, go through stages of growth and development. That means your board needs to do the same. How do you decide what kind of board members you need for each stage? How do you identify the right people for the job? Share your experiences as we discuss not only how to find people with the “right stuff” but how to keep them engaged and productive for the long haul.
Speakers: Dr. Casey Gilbert – PowerWith consulting
1:30pm – 2:30pm
Strategies for Preserving Black Legacy Communities – Sponsored by Regions Bank
Gentrification, displacement, and other dramatic community changes have disproportionate impact on “legacy residents” - people who have lived in their respective communities for generations. Join us for a discussion of gentrification, its disproportionate impact on Black communities, and how you can help fight it.
Speakers: Dr. Irvin Cohen, LISC Jacksonville, FL; LaTonya Smith, Three Rivers Legal Services; Twanda Bradley, Progress Village.
3pm – 4pm
COVID-Driven HR Changes that Work
COVID-19 and a new generation of workers are changing the way we look at work. The last year required employers and employees to be amazingly flexible while everyone juggled working from home with personal and family responsibilities. How have these changes impacted the way you hire, train and manage your employees? Have they changed the fundamental structure of your work environment? Share what’s working for you and learn how to manage your human resources today and in the future.
Speakers: Tiffany Peterson, Central FL CAA, SHRM-CP HR Director
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion on Nonprofit Boards – Are We There Yet?
The events of the past two years have fundamentally altered our world. The Alliance's Board of Directors determined in 2019 that DEI should be a basic building block of the organization. In 2021, after two years of occasional training on the subject, we launched a more comprehensive program, designed to help members assess where their organizations are on the DEI spectrum and create a plan for moving forward. Join us as we discuss that program and share some of the latest research in this vital area.
Speakers: Charles Harris, Central FL CAA; Janet Hamer, National Disability Institute; Terry Chelikowsky, FL Alliance
Thursday, Oct. 7
10:30am – 11:30am
Engaging Today’s Youth for Our Future
Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. How can we best engage this population to grow and revitalize our communities? Learn how organizations across Florida are reaching out, and giving a hand-up, to youth in creative ways. We’ll discuss programs that provide business and employment opportunities to the next generation of leaders.
Speakers: Ashley Weiss- Community Training Works [email protected]; RaShani Boynton- HOMES, Inc.; Ron Bradford, Prodigy Cultural Arts
1:30pm – 2:30pm
ARPA Funds – the What, Where & How of Accessing Them
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provided funding to state and local governments for COVID recovery. At the discretion of local governments, ARPA funds may be given to nonprofit organizations. Join us to find out WHAT the ARPA funds can be spent on, WHERE to look in your city or county, HOW other communities around the country have had success in designating funds for nonprofits, and HOW you can advocate for local funds for nonprofits.
Speakers: Sabeen Perwaiz, FL Nonprofit Alliance
3pm – 4pm
Trends in Affordable Housing for Today and Tomorrow
Affordable housing has always been in short supply, but today it's more scarce than ever. Increasing prices and public policy challenges are just two of the many factors at play. How is all this impacting your ability to provide homes in your community? Which trends are affecting you the most? With things changing so fast, how can you keep up or predict what will happen next? Join us for this timely conversation and help create a plan for moving your housing programs forward with confidence.
Speakers: David Harder, Suncoast Housing Connections; Oliver Gross, New Urban Development, LLC; Anne Ray, Florida Data Clearinghouse [email protected]
4:30pm – 5:30pm
NMTCs and Affordable For-Sale Homeownership – Sponsored by Wells Fargo
This session will discuss using New Markets Tax Credits with for-sale homeownership projects, including how to structure a transaction with New Markets Tax Credits, how to find NMTC allocation for a project, how to use the “net benefit” from NMTCs to increase the capacity of a project and generally how to determine if NMTCs are right for your project.
Speakers: Howard Smith and Jill Gilbert, Smith NMTC Associates, LLC